Almost Home Daycare
Quality Childcare
Thank you for considering Almost Home Daycare for your childcare needs. It is my main prerogative to ensure you feel the care your child receives makes them happy and safe. I take caring for children seriously and truly enjoy the time spent with them. I offer a structured yet flexible day.
The following handbook will more clearly define my policies in my most common areas of concern.
My home is child safe and set up to accommodate young children and infants. My home is equipped with an annually certified fire sprinkler system, smoke detectors in every room and stairwells of my home and carbon monoxide detectors in each stairwell. Our lower level has escape stairs that provide an exit that leads directly outside. There are 2 fire extinguishers. One in our sleeping area and one in the kitchen. All cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms have safety locks and unused outlets are covered by protectors.
Both my assistant and I have up to date certification in infant and child first aid and CPR, AED and the Heimlich Remover.
Children will be enrolled from age 12 weeks to 5 years of age regardless of race, creed or religious beliefs. I only offer FULL TIME and BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE. I cannot accept children under 12 weeks of age. To be considered for enrollment at Almost Home Daycare a mutually successful match must be established in the form of a face to face interview. All required forms will be provided after a successful interview and must be returned along with a deposit in a timely manner to secure your spot. I reserve the right to decide whether or not your child and your family will be a good fit for our daycare environment. I reserve the right to terminate the contract at any time prior to and within the two week trial period without notice.
**Children are required to have a medical examination on file which states they are up to date with required vaccinations, lead tests and have been tested for TB if at risk or exempt if not at risk. I reserve the right to require children to be vaccinated to be cared for in my home and will not accept religious exemptions in place of vaccinations. All children are required to provide an original legal birth certificate. A copy will be made and the certificate will be returned to you. Your child will not be accepted into my care without all necessary paperwork. As provider not having the required paperwork puts me out of compliance which will result in a disruption in child care. Please see the First Day Checklist or your welcome letter for a full overview .
7am to 5pm Monday Through Friday
These are the hours daycare is available. You will be contracted for the hours of care you need. You will be required to stick to the hours you request on the daycare contract that you sign upon enrollment. Example: If you request your child to be cared for from 7.30am until 4.30pm, you need to drop them off at 7.30am and pick them up no later than 4.30pm. Inconsistent drop off and picks will not be tolerated and repeat offenders will be terminated. This requirement is extensively discussed during our face to face interview prior to enrollment. Daily attendance is recorded and inconsistent drop off and pick ups are documented. The State of Illinois requires a signed pick up agreement which states that you will adhere to your contracted pick up time and your contract states the same. If you are not here at your scheduled pick up and do not notify me, I am required to contact your emergency contact to pick your child up.
You may not exceed 10 hours of care per day. If you need to drop your child off early, you will also need to pick them up early so you don’t exceed 10 hours of care.
Please arrive before closing time to pick up your child. Daycare closes AT 5pm so please arrive prior to that to collect your child.
If you arrange an early pick up time or drop off time outside of your contract hours, you must arrive at that arranged time. 24 hours notice is required for any hour changes. Any time outside of daycare hours will be charged an additional fee. Frequent schedule changes are not permitted. This is a once in a while arrangement only.
*A non communication fee of $5 per instance will be charged to your weekly invoice if you fail to let me know in advance of any changes to your drop off or pick up times.
Daycare is open Monday through Friday except for the holidays listed below. If a holiday falls on a weekend, Daycare will be closed the Friday before or the Monday following. These closures remain the same from year to year so when you replace your calendar- Please make an effort to mark your calendars with these closures ahead of time. You could even set a reoccurring calendar event on google to make it even easier for yourself.
*New Years Eve * New Years Day * The day after New Years Day *Presidents Day *Good Friday
*Memorial Day *Juneteenth *4th Of July * The day after 4th of July *Labor Day *Columbus Day* Thanksgiving
*The day after Thanksgiving *Christmas Eve *Christmas Day *The day after Christmas
There is a separate Tab on this website that lists these holiday closures too so please make sure you check that and mark your calendars ahead of time so there is no confusion on holiday closures.
As strong as my immune system has gotten over the years, I do occasionally get sick. And so do my children. As I am sure you do, I do also have situations that require me to take a day off as any other person would in a regular working situation. Doctors appointments, Bereavement, School Meetings etc
For this reason, I do reserve 13 paid personal/sick days throughout the year. I do also reserve the right to take a day off for travel or other personal reasons without having to explain myself. I am entitled to a day off as needed.
Personal days refresh each September and an additional personal day is accrued annually.
In the event of an extended illness a substitute provider will be provided.
I take 2 weeks (14 non holiday week days) of vacation in the summer of which 7 days is paid vacation. I take 1 week (7 non holiday weekdays) of paid vacation in the winter which is always over Christmas and New Years time frame . My 7 week day vacation is in addition to any paid holidays that fall during that time period. . At least 6 weeks of notice is given and posted prior to my scheduled vacation.
You ARE REQUIRED TO PAY FOR YOUR CHILD'S SCHEDULED VACATION AND SICK DAYS that your child is not present. 24 hours notice of a scheduled vacation is required. This INCLUDES MATERNITY LEAVE and EXTENDED VACATIONS
Please call, text or email between 6.45- 7.00 am if your child is sick or will not be attending daycare. If you know your child is not attending the night before, please let me know by 9pm.
You are required to pay for your enrolled siblings during your maternity leave. Whether you keep them at home or not is up to you, but payment is still required. If you do remove them from daycare during your maternity leave, 2 weeks notice is required and their spot cannot be guaranteed, upon finishing your maternity leave. Openings can't remain unfilled so it will be offered to those on the waiting list.
If you are going to be taking an extended absence for vacation etc, you will be required to pay for this time to retain your spot.
I try to update our website news page as often as I can. I will also occasionally send an email with more pressing information. I expect you to read these emails thoroughly and acknowledge that you have received it. Please make sure you log in to our website at least every other week to check for any news updates. We also have pages that cover almost every aspect of daycare including daycare closures, vacation information, illness policies etc. Please always use this as your primary resource for any questions you may have. If you can’t find the answer to your question, then please ask. I am available to answer your questions via text during daycare hours. If you have any questions after hours, please send an email. I will not respond to text messages after hours unless they are an emergency. Please be respectful of my personal time.
Daycare will be closed if Woodland District 50 is closed for inclement weather. If the weather is threatening, please check the local News before heading out to daycare. Feel free to text or call if you are unsure. A weather closure will be considered a personal day. is a good place to check for dist 50 closures
Daycare will close early if there is a real threat of a tornado or severe thunderstorm. If a tornado or severe storm warning is issued during daycare hours, children will be moved to safety (as per our tornado drill which will be practiced monthly per the State of Illinois licensing standards) and be required to remain in my care as long as the warning is active. This is for everyone's safety.
Please do not try to pick your child up during a tornado or severe storm. Try to get them picked up before the storm rolls in or wait until after the storm. Please text me and let me know your intentions for pick up ahead of time. I will lock the doors if we are in our safe area. Stay safe!
If we receive 5 inches or more of snow by noon on a daycare day, your pick up time will be moved up by half an hour. Example: If your pick up time is usually 5pm, you will pick up your child at 4.30pm
If your child has a fever (DCFS rules state 99 F or above), is vomiting, has diarrhea (more than one loose stool in 24 hours is considered diarrhea) or a contagious illness or virus (anything that can be passed on to another person - PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE), your child may not attend daycare. Your child may not return to daycare until symptom free for a full 24 hours WITHOUT FEVER REDUCING MEDICATION. If your child develops any of these symptoms while at daycare, they will be isolated and you will be required to pick them up within 1 hour. The sooner the better. You will receive a slip stating reason for required pick up as well as date and time they may return provided they are fever free for a full 24 hours. If your child is diagnosed with a contagious illness (pink eye, strep, croup, hand/foot/mouth etc), I MUST be notified and your child must return with a doctor's note stating they are no longer contagious.
No medication will be administered without permission. All medication should be clearly marked with child's name, dosage and time is should be administered. A medicine record form will needed to be completed by a parent at drop off if medicine is to be administered. Dosages will be recorded throughout the day. Please note that if your child requires additional medical treatments other than oral medication, please take care of this at home. If your child is sick enough to need additional medical treatment, they should not be at daycare.
Any child with a persistent cough should remain at home until the cough subsides.
Your contract will be terminated immediately if you bring a sick child to daycare or mask symptoms with over the counter medications. Tylenol, Motrin etc are considered over the counter medications. IF YOUR CHILD IS GENERALLY UNWELL, PLEASE KEEP THEM AT HOME. THIS WILL SHORTEN THE LENGTH OF THEIR ILLNESS AND THE LIKELINESS OF REINFECTION.
There are NO exceptions to these rules!
As a family childcare provider of the State of Illinois, I am required by law to report any signs of neglect or abuse. My full time assistant is also a Mandated Reporter. We keep records of all activities or incidents that may seem unusual or could potentially indicate neglect or abuse. Furthermore, I am required to report any suspicions of impairment due to drugs or alcohol use if you pick your child up intoxicated.
You must have the proper safety seat for your child in your car. A child will not be dismissed from my care without the appropriate car seat. Please ensure they are properly restrained when you drop them off and pick them up.
A non-refundable deposit equal to 2 full weeks of childcare fees is due to hold your child's spot. This deposit is credited toward your LAST 2 full weeks of childcare. Your child's spot is not secure until deposit is received. The deposit will carry over to siblings.
Late/Early drop off/pick up fees will be deducted from your deposit if you are unable to pay at the time of your offense.
Frequent non compliance of policies will result in your deposit being forfeited entirely.
The first 2 weeks of care are considered a trial period, in which case either party can terminate the contract without notice or penalty. After the initial 2 weeks are up a 2 week written notice is required by parent or provider to terminate the contract. I reserve the right to terminate the contract at any time without notice. I reserve the right to refuse care if my policies are not followed.
Full time Care: Inquire via email.
10% off the weekly rate for each additional sibling.
Part time care is not offered
B/A school and Preschool: See Rates page
Rates increase 3% annually.
Payment is required for your vacation/sick days when your child is not present.
A KIDKARE/PARACHUTE automatic payment account is set up upon enrollment the week prior to your start date and is the required and mandatory form of payment for REGULAR and BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE. You are able to choose weekly or biweekly payments on your contract at the time of enrollment.
B/A Payment is weekly flat rate. Please see vacation/sick day payment policy. Please see late fee policy. Regular full time late fees will apply. YOU MUST HAVE AN AUTOMATIC PAYMENT SET UP. You child will not be cared for if these automated payments are not set up. The system is reliable so if your payment does not process automatically, the error is on your end. It is up to you to check each week to make sure your payment went through. Late payments apply if you do not pay by 6.30pm on Friday.
There is a charge of $60 per day (or part thereof ) each day fees are late. This includes weekend days. This fee is STRICTLY ENFORCED. Please pay on time to avoid these fees. Outstanding late fees and Repeat offenders are grounds for termination without notice. I understand that circumstances arise, however daycare should be a priority bill and payments should be made ON TIME via the automatic payment system. My bills can't be paid if you don't pay yours. Unpaid invoices are inconsiderate and your child's spot will be filled with a child who can pay their bill on time. Automatic invoice payments are not optional. It is your responsibility to check that your invoices are paid. No reminders are sent.
$65 for the first 15 minutes or any part thereof and $25 a minute after that outside of your regular hours. Late pick ups on Fridays $85 for the first 15 minutes or any part thereof and $30 a minute after that. THESE FEES ARE PER CHILD NOT PER FAMILY
Fee is payable at the time of offence. Fees will be assessed as above and your child will not be accepted into my care until fees are paid. If you are early or late please make sure you have CASH in hand or you can vemmo. Your child may not return to childcare until your fees are paid. Late payment fees will be charged on top of your charges if payment is not made. Fees will accrue from the time of offence until payment is made.
Please call if you are going to be early or late and please remember late pickups cut into time with my family. Please be respectful of my time.
Anyone other than parents picking up your child need advance noticed and written consent. They must be listed on your enrollment forms and if they are not, I need a written notice. For safety reasons you child will not be allowed to leave my home without that consent. No exceptions. Picture ID such as drivers license or state ID is required. I will not allow your child to leave if an ID is not presented. Please ensure I am aware of any custody arrangements in the event of divorced/separated parents so there is no confusion or upset to your child. (See below) Please explain the pick up procedure to anyone you send to pick up your children.
Also please note that little ears are present during pick up so please call me or email me at a separate time if you have something you wish to discuss. Pick ups should be about your child and their day.
Divorced/Separated Parents:
I will not be involved in any way with any custody or divorce situations. I am a neutral party and my role is solely to care for and love your child while you are at work. If you try to involve me in any way, display any hostility in any form toward me, my assistant or family it will not be tolerated, and the harassment will be reported to the authorities and your child care will be terminated immediately without notice and you will forfeit your deposit.
The only information I need in custody arrangements will be any changes in your child’s drop off or pick ups and you will need to provide a copy of any legal notes to support your changes. You will be asked to sign an amendment to hours form when changes are made. No changes will be made without the form.
In addition to basic supplies (spare clothes, bottles, diapers etc) that need to be sent in for your child, There is a Monthly Supply Requirement for each FAMILY. You can find more information on these items and when they are due on the SUPPLY page. You will be charged a surcharge of $15 per month if your supplies are not brought in by end of the week that they are due.
Lunch and 2 healthy snacks are served daily to all children in my care. Children are served a variety of foods and are encouraged to try them. If your child does not like what is served they are not required to eat it but substitutions are not provided.
Only skim milk is provided. All other formula and milk is to be provided by you. If you want to send a Birthday treat for your child, please ensure you send enough for all the children. (the kids are always so excited to share a birthday celebration with their friends so please make an effort to make their day special)
Water is provided throughout the day. Juice is not served.
Please make sure your child eats breakfast/snacks before arriving at daycare. When a child comes in with food, it sparks a riot among the children who didn’t bring a snack/breakfast in. Breakfast is NOT provided.
We do have parties from time to time for holidays and we will ask for volunteers to provide party supplies such as treats, juice box or party favors. We ask that you take a turn when you are able.
I require all children 5 years and younger to nap for 2 hours per day. Children will not be woken unless requested. Pick ups are NOT permitted during nap/quiet time to ensure that all the children receive the rest they need undisturbed.
I believe discipline of a child is achieved through patience, consistency and positive reinforcement. I also try to teach children in my care manners, kindness and to be respectful to others. One of the ways I do this is by example as the provider.
I believe actions and reactions speak louder than words. The children are explained to and reminded of the daycare rules frequently so that they know what is expected of them. When a child is old enough to understand the rules and disobeys them exhibiting inappropriate behavior the following developmentally appropriate guidance techniques are used:
1. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT: the child will be encouraged and praised when
displaying appropriate behavior.
2. REDIRECTION: the child is redirected to another activity and given a chance
to try again at another time.
3. TIME OUT: the child is separated from the others for an appropriate
amount of time (1 minute per year of age) and then encouraged to join group.
On a side note of Discipline: Often times at drop offs and pick ups a child may
forget the rules or test boundaries. Please show your child that you respect me,
my rules and my property by reminding them that the rules still apply when you
are around. I will also remind them and correct them if needed.
I will gladly work with you to potty train your child when they are ready. Your child will let you know when he/she is ready. Average age is usually between 2.5-3 years of age. Initial potty training should begin at home and gradually introduced at daycare. Your child may begin wearing underwear to daycare after they have been accident free at home for a full 2 weeks. Diapers will still be required at nap time until they wake up dry for a consisten period of time. Consistency is key for successful potty training so good communication and dedication is required. Any soiled clothing or underwear will be sent home for washing. Potty training is hard work so please don't expect me to do all the work. It has to be a team effort. I do offer potty training consultations for charge. Please inquire via email if you would like my input and guidance.
In case of serious accident or sudden illness that require immediate medical
attention the following procedures will be followed:
1. A call is made to 911
2. Parents and/or emergency contacts will be called
3. The child will be separated from the other children and appropriately cared
4. Parent, Provider or Ambulance will take the child to the hospital or
emergency room. The closest emergency room is the Lake Forest ER on
Rte 120 and is located >1mile from my home.
Please ensure I have a copy of your health insurance card and treatment permission on file for serious emergencies
Please feel free to stop by at any time throughout the day. Please be aware that you will be required to take your child home with you when you do as drop in visits do cause disruption in our schedule and upset to your child if you leave without them. Furthermore, no family members (grandma/grandpa, aunt/uncle etc) will be allowed to visit your child at daycare. They are welcome to pick them up from daycare with proper authorization and pre arrangement.
If you request an early pick up before 12noon and have not arrived by 12noon, your child will be put down for a nap. No EXCEPTIONS. I have a strict schedule with the kids and need to stick to it. Please respect my routine and the other children's need for a quality nap.
As parents I ask you to reinforce my expectations when you are around even after daycare hours. Children push boundaries and often act out during drop offs and pick ups and I would appreciate if you let your children know that these expectations are apply even if you are around. It shows you respect me and they should too. Please visit the expectations tab for a more comprehensive expectation overview.
*Maintain a 5mph or less speed limit when pulling in and out of the driveway
*Respect my policy for a consistent drop off and pick up times
*Provide 24 hour notice of any schedule changes
*Text if you are running late
*Respect my after hours time in regards to communication
*Food and Drinks (including sippy cups) stay at the table.
*No running inside
*No playing in Kitchen or Bathrooms.
*No coloring on anything other than paper.
*No name calling, foul language or yelling is allowed.
*No hitting, kicking, biting, pushing, pinching, spitting or pulling hair.
*No picking up or pulling on babies. No touching pacifiers or baby bottles.
*All kitchen and bathroom cabinets are locked and off limits to children.
*No running around in the front yard, patio and front driveway during pick ups. Parents are pulling in and out of the driveway constantly and running around is not safe. Please keep your child with you at all times and walk them to your car. Also no hanging on the gate if playing outdoors at pick up. Only parents or I may open the gates.
*No playing with, touching or opening doors. We have had too many pinched fingers and it is not safe.
*Inside voices if we are inside
* Please don't touch others property
*Share and take turns
*Help clean up
*Laugh, Smile, Play and be happy!
My full time assistant and I are in accordance to the child to adult ratio set forth by the State of Illinois. The number of children in our care is no more than we feel comfortable caring for in the manor they deserve to be cared for and the manor you expect them to be cared for. I reserve the right to add or dismiss children from my care as I see fit.
Please always welcome new enrollments as openings allow and make them feel at home. I will often ask veteran parents to speak with inquiring parents and answer any questions they may have. If you do not wish to be a reference, please let me know.
This is my home as well as my business, so please be respectful of our family and home and my time by adhering to policies and procedures. I also expect you to be courteous to me at drop off and pick ups. I am after all caring for your most prized possession and a little appreciation for that goes along way. I also expect you to be courteous to my family if you happen to encounter them when dropping off and picking up your child. This is their home.
Furthermore, my daycare is family based, not a center. Therefore, I cannot offer the conveniences that a center may offer such as flexibility, early drop off times, late pick ups, or be open 24/7 365. We do not have a large staff that can cover all the times in shifts. So please understand that the policies I have are because I am one person, caring and loving your child and providing them with a stable, save and loving environment and personalized care without frequent staff turnover in a family capacity. So please make sure this is the type of care that you are looking for before enrolling.
I hope that all the above is clear and concise information. I hope you can respect these policies so that I can provide the best possible care for your child without conflict. Failure to follow any policies will result in immediate termination of contract without notice. There are no exceptions. There are no warnings. I reserve the right to terminate the contract at any time if my policies are not followed. I reserve the right to make necessary updates and changes to this handbook without notice.
If there is an area you do not feel was covered in this handbook please bring it to my attention before enrolling your child in my care and signing a contract to avoid misunderstandings. Do not sign the contract if you have not read the handbook. No child is admitted to my care without a signed contract. When you turn in a signed contract at the time of enrollment it is understood that you have read this handbook and have agreed to all the terms, conditions and policies. This handbook is available at all times on my website which can be found at
I look forward to having your family as part of mine.
Thank you.
Siobhan Richards and Family